Monday, March 28, 2016


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

Dear Prayer Warrior's,

The Lord and I are still working on this "FAITH" thing. Lol
All I can do sometimes is laugh because it just never seems to end, on my part. He still wanting to grow me in this area. It's not believing for others, oh I have great faith for everybody else's problems but mine. Doubts enter mind, fear of the future. Will he ever answer that prayer? Is this your will? How about a persons free will, Lord! So many thoughts and question enter the mind.

Then the Lord and I began to have our conversations. He reminds me of His word about His promises. When I worship him, I'm in His presence and he tells me"You don't need much, just a mustard seed ."  "I'll never leave you nor forsake you". "Trust in me". I'm realizing that the christian walk is all about faith, believing when I cannot see. The Hope I have is in Christ, It's a choice I have to make daily. To believe, even when I cannot see that he's working it ALL out for good. My dependence is on Him and that's what he wants from His children. 

Why not? He's a good, good Father! 



  1. Waiting for the Lord to answer my prayers sometimes seems like it's taking to long. Why is it taking so long? Is it His will for all my children to walk with Him? Is it His will for my children to know Him and have a relationship with Him? But what if my children don't want what we want? This is the hardest thing for me.,I will never give up on my children and I will continue to pray. I also have faith that He can move the hearts of my children, but why is it taking so long? Am I not praying enough? Is God doing something in my life? Is there sin in my life and that's why He isn't answering? These are just thoughts that go through my head.

    1. Bridget, oh how I have those same questions go through my mind. My fears are the same that I might not see my children surrender all. My heart breaks at times and fear wants to come in and take over. But like you said, "We can never stop praying"". I have to believe that with His mighty hand He will save. When and how I don't know but He does. His ways are better the ours. I ask the Lord to help me show them His love through me. That can be hard at times. Lol Will keep loving and praying and he will do the rest. Love you💜

  2. Matthew 15:21-28 How often I find myself looking for "a little crumb" a little glimpse of my Lord's Glory, because He is always aware of my cries for mercy, when I cry out "Lord help me!" His, mercy in my children's lives, is His mercy in my life! Our Lord's table is so huge, so colossial, so enormous, soooo well you know, that even a "little crumb" a glimpse of His Glory, He is oh so kind,and good to us.Thank You Savior

    1. Amen, he does have so much mercy and grace. Oh, how I need it daily and I see his mercy in my children lives. He such a good, good father. Thank you Jesus!!!
