Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Prayer is the proof of love, and love is produced by prayer!

Romans 10:1 (HCSB)
 Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God concerning them is for their salvation! 

Prayer Warriors,

         Today the Lord was speaking to my heart about my Love for people and what this looks like! Paul loved his fellow Jews, how he desired to see them saved. He even said, in  Romans 9:3 (HCSB) 3  For I could almost wish to be cursed and cut off from the Messiah for the benefit of my brothers, my own flesh and blood. He was willing to go to hell, for their salvation. That they would come know Jesus Christ. They hated him, stoned him, beat him and threw him in jail.  Amazing, how could a man say this about his enemies?
           Prayers to God. Paul's prayers to His God was not just about changing the situation or the circumstance or even the other person but it was about changing His heart. God has put people in our lives to mold us and shape our Christian walk. Yes, even our enemies! It my be the prodigal son or daughter that you just wish would just come to their senses. The hurts we've experience from our spouses, mothers, or family members etc.... help shape the people we are. Jesus uses it all, everything we go through and who we go through it with.
            I have to remind myself that it was my sin, put Jesus on the cross. Sometimes we generalize it and say" He died for all sins"  and He did but I need to see the cross and say"He died for my sins". My sin put Him on the cross. Jesus the Lamb of God who took our place, sits in heaven and prays and intercedes for you and me. Paul understood this, that's why he could pray for the one's who were persecuting him because at one time he was the one doing the persecuting. If God could transform a man like Paul and a sinner like me, then no one is out of the reach of God! I pray that God would produce that kind of love, His love, in you and me.


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