Monday, December 14, 2015

The Giver

11For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11

 Dear Prayer Warriors,

 This week feeling discourage and feeding into the lies of the enemy, I started to think about the future and fear stared to enter my heart. Why was  I feeling this way? That morning the Lord answered, "Do you love the Giver more then the gifts?" You see, I realized that I was discourage because I so wanted my prayers to be answered by now. You see as a believer I know all things are possible with Him and when I didn't see them answered or things I had desired come to pass. I wonder" Why is God withholding this from me?" Then the Lord ask a question of me "Would you still love me with all your heart, if I never answered another prayer?" Loving the Giver is more important than gifts or prayers we want answered from Him. He's our Joy in hard times. Yes, He wants to bless us because He's a good,good father, but when all I can see is the mess and not Potter himself making something beautiful out of my mess, then I'm missing it. It's about the Giver and not on the gifts.

"Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up here."
Exodus 33:15

Moses was a great example of not wanting anything else but God's Presence in life. God had promised, a mighty angel would go with them and fight for them and they would win the battle. Moses didn't want an angel, he wanted God with them. Moses knew what it was to be in the Presence of God. He even glowed when he came down from the mountain being with his Savior.

Lord, I praise you and thank you for all your doing and all your going to do. Father, you withhold nothing good from me and the ones I love, so if it's not in my life it's not good for me. You know best for my family and for me. I'ts in your timing and you will do it  your way. You are my shield and lamp unto my feet, who shines the way of my path. Forgive me when I look forward more to the blessing than spending time with you. I need to feel your Presence in my life. Knowing your holding my family in your hands and you won't let go. Father, your faithfulness to your children is amazing. Amen


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