Saturday, October 10, 2015

Let's Talk

Mark 1:35 (NKJV) 
35  Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Dear Prayers Warriors,

I can picture Jesus getting up early to go talk to His father. He finds a little mountain top, as He sits, He looks to the heavens and talks to His Father. The intimacy between the two was amazing..... 
I think when the disciples saw
that, Thy asked ," Lord teach us how to pray". The love between the father and the son; they must have desired it. Your Father in heaven wants that with you and me. In this busy world of ours, we must take time and sit and talk to our Lord. The God who breathe the universe into existence wants to have a relationship with us. He has no need for nothing but yet pursues us everyday to come and talk to Him. He wants to hear about our fears,wants and desires. To Magnify His Name, to give Him Praise and Glory for all He's done and all He is going to do. Prayers for the people we love, friends and neighbors.Our plans for the future, and do they a line with His will. The deep things that we carry that only we know about. The struggles and heartaches that bring tears to our eyes. The things that we can't let go from our past. How about the Joy and Peace we fill because we know Hes here. You see, there's is a longing in our soul that only can be filled by Him and everyday that goes by and we don't get some alone time with Him, we miss out on the best part of the day. That's why the enemy created business, it keeps away from the one who loves us the most.      


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