Sunday, March 1, 2015

Kissed by the Father

Psalm 85:10 (NKJV)
10 Mercy and truth have met together;
Righteousness and peace have kissed.

Prayer Warriors,

When our Lord spake that parable of the prodigal son, and represented the Father as seeing his child afar off in his misery, and how he had compassion on him, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him, one cannot but feel what a touching and tender illustration he has given of this most exquisite passage of his own word: Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
 Barton Bouchier.
The Treasury of David.

What a beautiful picture does he give us on God’s mercy, truth, righteousness and peace? The prodigal son came to His senses (Luke 15:17) because He finally wanted to live in God’s Truth and not his own. The truth of God is amazing because reality sets in, and I see what a mess I’ve been sitting in. Then there’s that choice of what will I choose? Do I keep living in the mess I made or do I receive the Mercy of God, which was given to the prodigal son, and for you and I. God will always meet us with mercy, they are new every morning. He covers us with Christ Righteousness, the cross, the Lamb that was slain. We need to be a people that forgive and receive forgiveness. Where there is forgiveness, there is peace. Christ died so that we can be forgiven and be at Peace with God.

We need to pray for the prodigals in our lives and for our brothers and sisters in Christ and for ourselves. We need to walk in mercy and truth, but there has to be that balance. We can speak the truth, but it has to be full of mercy. Jesus spoke the truth always, but His eyes were full of mercy. We cannot forget that the righteousness we have, has been given to us by Jesus Christ. I had a debt, I could not pay and He paid debt, he did not owe. It was paid on Calvary. And we can have the peace of God that passes all understanding in whatever we may be going through.

When the prodigal son came home to His father, He was met with a kiss, full of love and mercy. 
Just like our Heavenly Father does! 


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